Rabu, 20 Juli 2016


1.       Mengetahui lokasi dari EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT dan EMERGENCY EXITS di pesawat terbang.
2.       Bilamana EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT dan EXITS itu dipakai.
3.       Bagaimana cara pemakaiannya.
4.       Cara-cara keluarnya (EVACUATION) penumpang dan awak pesawat (crew) secepat mungkin dengan selamat.
Keempat faktor diatas perlu dan wajib dikuasai, karena pada saat pesawat dalam keadaan bahaya (EMERGENCY) dengan tidak membuang waktu awak pesawat dapat bertindak sendiri sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan.

Peraturan dan prosedure yang dibuat oleh ICAO ( International Civil Assosiation Organization) dan ditetapkan didalam anex2nya memberikan keseragaman dalam pengoperasian pada hampir semua jenis pesawat.(Bersifat internasonal).

Negara Indonesia dalam mengatur semua penerbangan sipil mengeluarkan CASR ( Civil Aviation Sipil Regulation ) yang disadur dari ICAO.

Sebuah perusahaan yang akan mendirikan perusahaan penerbangan berpatokan pada COM /BOM yang diadopsi dari CASR.
COM = Compani Operational Manual
BOM = Basic Operational Manual

Diantara peraturan yang tercantum BOM (Disadur dari CASR) adalah :
1.Setiap awak cabin diharuskan untuk memiliki pengetahuan dan kecakapan yang cukup mengenai  
 FLIGHT EMERGENCY PROCEDURE, yang mana mereka harus bisa melaksanakan tugas2nya apabila
 pesawatnya mengalami keadaan darurat, jg mereka harus mengetahui tempat dan cara
  mempergunakan alat2 perlengkapan darurat ( EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT )yang terdapat pada
     setiap pesawat dimana ia bertugas.

2. Apabila diketahui dan terbukti, bahwa salse-orang awak kabin tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang
    cukup mengenai apa yang tercantum pada no 1 diatas maka CAPTAIN pesawat bersangkutan
    DAPAT menolak untuk ikut sertanya didalam pesawat yang akan dipinpinnya.

3.Flifgt Safety dalam peraturannya menentukan bahwa pengungsian penumpang ( Evacuation  
 Procedure) dalam keadaan darurat tidak boleh lebih dari 90 detik.

4..One Minute Silent Review
    Untuk menjaga kesiapsiagaan bila terjadi emergency, maka awak kabin dimanapun ia duduk
didalam pesawat diharuskan pada setiap kali T/O dan LDG untuk melakukan ‘ one minute silent
review’, yaitu bertanya pada diri sendiri apa yang harus dilakukan apabila pesawatnya dalam
keadaan bahaya, seperti :
-          Bagaimana caranya membuka exit?
-          Bagaimana cara mengembungkan slide?
-          Bagaimana meng-ungsikan penumpang?
-          Emergency Equipment apa yang harus dibawa?
-          Aba-aba yang harus disampaikan kepada penumpang pada waktu evacuasi.?

5.       PIC (Pilot In Command) adalah seorang captain yang merupakan pemimpin penerbangan
Tugasnya mengontrol jalannya sebuah penerbangan meliputi keselamatan ( SAFETY ) passenger, crew member, cargo dll

Aircrew is a person who is designed duties on an aircraft during a flight.
Flifgt Attendant is an aircew whose duties are within the cabin of aircraft during a flight and
                                 is responsible for cabin safety

6.       Sterile Cockpit
Kita tidak boleh mengganggu cockpit saat pesawat push back sampai tanda fasten seat belt off ( saat climb)dan dari tanda fasten seat belt on saat pesawat menurunkan ketinggian          ( descent) untuk landing sampai pesawat parkir di gate.

7.       Flight Attendant Surface Movement Requirement
During aircraft surface movement, flight attendant must be seated with seat belt and shoulder harness fastened exept when performing SAFETY RELATED DUTIES, witch include:
-          Demo Safety
-          Carring for passenger in distress
-          Attendant to an emergency situation.

8.       The aircraft may not  be moved on the surface, take off or landing except any food,beverage or tableware has been clear of, seat back,tray table, serving cart and movie csreen secure in stowed position.

9.       Closing and Locking Cockpit Door
All External door were closed pintu cockpit harus dalam keadaan tertutup after embarcation.

10.   Serving The Flight Crew
-          Cockpit check every 30 minutes
-          They should be served different entrees (bergantian)
-          Diberikan dengan serving tray
-          Makanan harus berbeda antara Captain dan Copilot
11.   In Flight
FA must continue to monitor cabin safety throught the flight by performing :
-          Cockpit check every 30 minutes
-          Cabin check every 15 minutes (day) , 20 minutes ( night )
-          Lavatory check every 15-20 minutes
12.   Required Duty Item
1.       ID CARD & KTP      
2.       Pasport                                                 =    sebaikknya di copy tuk back up
3.       License                    
4.       DG Sertificate
5.       CRM certificate
6.       Avsec Sertificate
7.       Pen light + spare batteries / senter kecil
8.       Wrist watch / jam tangan
9.       Annoucement book
10.   Personal first aid

13.   Emergency Crew Breifing / wajib berisi :
-          Safety and Emergency
-          Serving Standart
-          Operation Aspect and security

14.   Safety Belt
All passenger shall have their seat belt fastened during taxi, take off and landing, and when moderate or severe turbulance for safety anticipated

15.   Passengers Breifing
-          Safety Announcement : Every before each take off every flight
-          Individual Breifing diberikan jika ......UM
                                                                  LIMITED VIEW
                                                                  DISABLE PASSENGER ( Visually impaired)

16.   Baggage Stowage :
-          Under passenger seat / luggage bar
-          Over head bin / luggage bin with can be latch
-          In the closet with can be latch
17.   Portable Device
-          Cellurar telephone
-          Transmiter
-          Perpheral printer
-          Television                                              =    May not be operated at any  time
-          AM/FM radios
-          Remote conrol toys
-          Wirelles microphone

-          Personal Computer
Digital /cassete tape
Video recorder                           = May not be operated when seat belt sign is on              
Lap top

18.   Exit Seating Regulation
Definisi : Each seat from which a passenger can proceed directly to the exit without entering
                 an aisle, paasing arround an obctruction,
                 Each in a row of seat throught which passenger wouid have to pass to again acces
                 to ban exit from the first seat in board of the exit.
                 ( Tanpa menyebrang, tanpa memutar, tanpa halangan )

Exit seating berhubungan dengan Un- prepared Emergency
Syarat passenger yang boleh duduk di exit seat :
-          Tidak hamil,tidak obesitas,diatas 15 thn /dewasa ,tidak tua,sehat
               FA Duties Regarding Exit Seating
                              Briefing poins for exit seating passenger :
-          How to open the exit
-          How to restrain passenger until the exit is ready
-          What to do after exit is opened

19.   ABP / Able Bodied Passenger (  exit seating berhubungan dengan prepared emergency)
Yang boleh duduk syaratnya :
-          Profesi sebagai crew
-          Bekerja dibidang kesehatan
-          Dari kepolisian, pemadam kebakaran
-          Orang yang tidak pergi dengan keluarga

20.   Procedure Entering cockpit
    Do 3C........- Clear area,Closed certain
 - Call captain ......with proper identification : - Name........Diana
                                                                               Pupose......Meal Serving

21.   FA on board keberadaanya berdasarkan standart Seating Capacity
More than 9 but less 51........... 1 FA
More than 51 but less 101....... 2 FA

22.   Crew Seat / jumpt seat
A jump seat will be considered in- operative if :
-          Not proprelly secure to the floor bulkhead fitting
-          Does not retract automatically
-          The sat belt / shoulder harness is frayed, missing or can’t be fitted to size
23.   dll


Pre- Flight
-          Stowing and securing personal luggage
-          Emergency equipment check and security check....
        Assigned exit (door or window) and evacuation equipment
        Jump seat check
        Portable emergency equipment check
        PAS check
-          Cabin check
-          Lavatory check
-          Galley check

-          Boarding.........exit row seating & exit row briefing
  After completed flight document FA 1 closed the last door and repot to
cockpit immideatelly

  Command from cockpit when the aircraft stat movement /push back
  “Flight Attendant Armed Slide Bar and Cross check “

-          Pax briefing demo

After completting the demo,FA will make a final cabin secured check for take off. The cabin secure check will include :
               All passenger have their seat belt fastened
               Seat back upright and armrest down
               Luggage secure in approved stowage areas
               All tray tables are stowed
               Exit and aisle clear
               Infant life vest is in seat pocket
               Window shade are open
               Over head bin closed and secured
Coats closet secured and curtain closed
               Pilow and blanket secured
Cabin and galley curtain secure opened
               Galey and sercice euipment secured
               Lavatory un-occupied and lock

                                       After Final secure for take off FA 1 report to cockpit “ CABIN READY “ by
-          After all doors Armed and cross check FA must report to cockpit by interphone

-          Take off imminent.....The captain will warm that take off imminent
By PA “ CABIN CREW TAKE OFF POSSITION “...FA must take their jump seat with seat belt and shoulder harness , FA do ONE MINUTES SILENT REVIEW
Until the fasten seat belt sign has been switch off.....
Start serving

-          FA must continue to monitor cabin safety
-          Aticipated turbulance weather
A.      Light Turbulance :FA procedure – FA 1 will make turbulance
                                                             FA walk arroud to visually check that pax
                                                             are seated with seatbelt fastened and
                                                             hand luggage stowed
warning some one inside lavatory
                                                             cart anf galley equipment not in use are
                                                             properly secured
                                                             continue serving

B.      Moderate Turbulance – Cockpit will make turbulance
                                            Stop serving immediatelly ,trolly stowed quikly
                                            Check that pax are seated with seatbelt
                                            All FA go to their jumpt seat fastened seatbelt and

C.      Severe Turbulance – Cockpit will make turbulance  announcement
                                     FA not attempt to ensure pax compaint, it is
                                     imperactive that FA sit down immediately or take the
                                     nearest available seat and fastened seatbelt/harness


-          COCKPIT / PIC will give command “ FA Prepare for Landing “
-          Pax Breifing
-          Cabin secure  check for landing ( cabin light must be fully bright )
-          Final cabin secure .....cabin light set to DIM
-          Report cabin ready
-          Landing imminent.......The captain will warm that landing imminent
By PA “ CABIN CREW LANDING POSSITION “....FA must take their jump seat to do “ONE MINUTES SILENT REVIEW “.....remaind seated until the fasten seatbeltl sign has been switch off and the air craft completted stop


-          Pax Briefing
-          Command from the cockpit “ Flight Attendant Disarmed Slide And Cross Check
-          FA report to cockpit after all doors DISARMED
-          Command from the cockpit “ CABIN CREW DOOR MAYBE OPEN “
-          Before opening the door FA must wait sign from the ground staff
-          Security check after passenger disembarking

Cabin Pressurization
                                        Cabin pressurization is maintained at an altitude of 5000 – 7000 feet for the
                                        confort and dafety passenger and crew member
Decompression occors when cabin pressurization is loast, either slowly or rapidly.

Adalah dimana makluk hidup dapat bertahan hidup pada ketimggian dan batas waktu teretentu
                             karena berkurangnya oksigen

                                            TIME OF USEFUL CONSCINOUSNESS CHART /TUS

40.000 FEET ...............................................................................................................15 SECONDS
35.000 FEET ...............................................................................................................30 SECONDS
30.000 FEET................................................................................................................45 SECONDS
28.000 FEET.................................................................................................................1 MINUTES
25.000 FEET.................................................................................................................2 MINUTES
22.000 FEET.................................................................................................................5 MINUTES

If decompression when the flight crew failed to control situation & cabin altitude in creease up to  14,000 feet .......passenger oxygen mask dropped

Action FA when decompression :

when the aircraft has been in the save level (10.000 feet ) by PAS the cockpit will give command
‘’ flight attendant & passenger MASK OFF “

Action FA               -     Don POB, check fellow flight attendant
-          Check pax ( reseat pax away from danger area)               = walk around aft                                                                                                 
-          Check lavatory ( because no mask in side )                           decompression

Efect of Decompression :

Hipoxia....kekurangan oxygen

1.       DOOR

Boeing 737 door

bagian-bagiannya :
-          EXIT sign......
-          SLIDE Armed indicator.....warning to ground staff
-          Arrow Direction sticker... how to routate handle to open
-          Viewing window..............clear & clean....to see out side condition
-          Door handle
-          Slide container.....(escape slide)..
-          slide pressure gauge.......must be in green band
-          Girt bar...........................ujung dr slide
-          Floor breaket..................sangkutan girt bar jika dikaitkan di lantai
-          Assist handle...................alat bantu pegangan saat membuka dan menutup
-          Door barrier strap...........tali yang harus dipasang melintang pintu jika pintu
                                             terbuka tanpa tangga atau garbarata



Breifing Overwing Exit

Good morning ladies and gentlement,welcome aboard.
My name is......I’m going to give you a brief explanation concerning the overwing window exit that located nearyour seat.
If you hear the command “ EVACUATE-EVACUATE “ from the cockpit , please proceed to open this window.
Before opening make sure the out side condition is safe, there’s no fire no obstruction
To open this window : Pull the red handle inward, lift up the window and throw out it diagonally out side.
Proceed to an exit....ONE LEG FIRST THAN YOUR HEAD, then help the other passenger evacuation from outside.
For further information you may read the safety instruction card is located in the seat pocket in fron of you.
Thank you for kind attention and corporation...have a nice flight

Selamat pagi Bapak/ibu yang terhormat, perkenalkan nama saya........,selamat datang di pesawat.B737.
Saya akan menjelaskan tentang jendela darurat yang berada didekat Bapak/ibu sekalian.
Apabila Bapak/ibu mendengar aba-aba “EVACUATE-EVACUATE “ dari cockpit, segeralah membuka jenjela darurat ini.
Sebelum membuka jendela pastikan keadaan diluar aman, tidak ada api atau hambatan lainnya.
Segera keluar dari pesawat satu kaki dahulu baru kepala lalu bantu proses evakuasi penumpang lain dari luar.
Untuk keterangan lebih jelas ,bapak/ibu silahkan membaca kartu petunjuk keselamatan penerbangan yang berada di kantong kursi di depan anda.
Terimakasi dan selamat menikmati penerbangan ini

3.       Crew seat / jumpt seat     

 Jump seat crew dikatakan layak pakai bila :
-          Meleket kuat di body pesawat
-          Folding seat dapat melipat /menutup otomatis jika tidak digunakan
-          Dilengkapi dengan seatbelt dan shoulder harness yang seuai body ( tidak longgar )

Setiap jumpt seat dilengkapi dengan
-          Emergency Equipment list....:
-          Life vest crew
-          Flash light
-          PAS